
What is UMVIM?

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is the short-term mission agency of the United Methodist Church. An UMVIM volunteer is any United Methodist who engages in outreach as a member of a United Methodist Church in service of their neighbors near and far.  Learn More

Plea for prayer for Urukundo Foundation (Rwanda)

You may remember from our Annual Conference that we passed a resolution recognizing Urukundo Foundation/Hope Made Real in Rwanda, Africa as a mission of our Conference led by one of our lay members. They are pleading for the prayers of our local churches. Please read below about the unprecedented closing of their worship center on August 16, 2024.

From Mama Arlene, Founder:

Our worship Center has been closed along with over 2000 places of worship in Rwanda.
There are so many without a place to come together to share the love and serve our God.

Our fellowship is made up of five villages. Although now, we cannot come together for worship in our building, we can reach out to our congregation. Pastor Yves will visit each village each week. He will meet with the villagers to pray, sing, and have a bible study. This will take place in their homes. This may be a blessing in disguise. At this point, the plan is when Volunteers in Mission and other groups come to Urukundo they will go with Pastor Yves to the villages. They will meet Christians where they live. The village experience will give them a better idea of the life & lives of our fellow Christians in Rwanda.

Urukundo Foundation includes both Urukundo Learning Center and the Urukundo Village. The Learning Center is dedicated to excellent education for Rwandan children and technical training for adults. This includes both the school for Preschool through sixth grade and the Sewing Technical School. The Village contains the Worship Center, Dental Clinic, Mama-Baby Project, Daycare, Guest House, and Farm. Urukundo (Love) was created and is funded through Hope Made Real (501c3) and its incredibly kind donors. We welcome all who seek to help the children and families of Rwanda to create a better world for us all.

Urukundo Foundation is a mission serving the Lord by caring for his children of all ages.
Our primary aim is to care for the vulnerable, both their spiritual and physical needs.

Our worship center does meet the directive below that just came out on August 16th when we were closed. This compliance is where our hope lies.

The law in Rwanda, enacted in 2018, requires places of worship to operate in a safe and organized environment. It abolishes the use of loud public address systems and compels all preachers to have theological training before opening a church. This is a step towards ensuring the safety and tranquility of worshipers.

The good news is that we do comply with this directive. The closing of the worship center was done without a visit to the Urukundo grounds and the center itself. Pastor Yves and I are hoping for a meeting with the Mayor and the District Representive of NGO - Faith Organizations to appeal this decision.

We do have a pastor with theological training. We comply with Safety rules and have a suitable place to worship with adequate seating and plenty of parking. We do not have a public address system. We operate in an organized way. The environment is safe for children and adults. We comply with suitable hygiene, having adequate toilets. Both male and female and stations for washing hands.

Urukundo is a small group of Rwandan citizens who come  together to sing, worship with traditional dance, and study the bible. Urukundo Fellowship is community-founded where all neighbors & friends are welcome.

Urukundo Foundation and Urukundo Learning Center are secure at this time, but we also know the real foundation of this ministry is our faith and strength in our Lord Jesus. It is heartbreaking that our worship center has been closed. God in charge is our constant proclamation. The prayers of the faithful are so important. Please ask our brothers and sisters to be in prayer for all of Rwanda and for Urukundo Foundation as we go to our Lord on our knees.

Mama Arlene

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Northeastern Jurisdictional UMVIM


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Flo Waybright
Conference Secretary, Global Ministries

Deb Currinder
Disaster Response Coordinator

Michelle Schwartzman
Volunteers In Mission Coordinator